Focus On Equipment Skills:
Are You Tuning Up? or Troubleshooting?
Your Agility Score Indicates an Equipment Skills Focus
Thank you for your attention to detail while answering this assessment. The results revealed your success in the ring will soar with more attention on your dog’s equipment skills.
This can be accomplished with a purposeful training plan and injection of interactive games into your training to “Tune Up” your dog’s equipment skills or “Troubleshoot” equipment skills to increase your dog’s confidence and understanding of their job on course.
Share with us your best email address in the form below and you will receive my “Focus on Equipment Skills” ebook to give you new strategies to inject more fun into your equipment skills training.
To help you even further, you will have access to our new four-part series on “Building Effective Training Plans for Dog Agility” which is starting very soon.
Susan Garrett & the Say Yes Team